Zailan Moris
Zailan Moris started her career after graduating from the University Sains Malaysia with a bachelors degree and Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada with her Master’s degree. After completing these programs, she was inspired by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, an Iranian philosopher, to pursue Islamic philosophy and went on to obtain a PhD in this subject under his supervision at American University in Washington DC. Her dissertation focused on the philosophy of Mulla Sadrā, one of the most influential Sufi Islamic philosophers in the 17th century. After finishing her studies in the United States, she returned to her home country of Malaysia to teach at the School of Humanities at the University Sains Malaysia, where she was a professor until her retirement in 2017. In addition to her work as a professor at one of the most esteemed universities in Malaysia, she has also authored a number of books and scholarly articles. Most of her works focus on her interests and her studies of Islamic philosophy, comparative religion, and Sufism.