Umm Waraqa
Umm Waraqah bint Abd Allah was a companion of Prophet Muhammad who had memorized the entire Qur’an becoming one of the few oral transmitters of the holy text before it was recorded in writing. She is also the subject of a Hadith that touches on the acceptability of a woman leading men in prayer. As the Hadith of Umm Waraqa goes, she was instructed by Prophet Muhammad to lead ahl dariha in prayer. This phrase, ahl dariha, translates to “the people of her home” but home or dar can refer to a residence, a neighborhood, or a village. Regardless, this group was so large that Muhammad appointed a Muezzin to perform the call to prayer and the hadith reports that this Muezzin, an old man, prayed behind her. It is this hadith that is used by some scholars to state the acceptability of women leading mixed congregations. Aside from the Hadith written on her, Umm Waraqah is also known as the Martyred Woman. As one narration goes, she expressed her desire to become a martyr to the Prophet, requesting to accompany them to the Battle of Badr. She helped to take care of the wounded but lived long after the battle and yet Prophet Muhammad still called her a martyr. She would eventually achieve martyrdom after she was killed by two servants who worked in her household as she continued her struggle to lead prayer in the household.