Tawakkol Karman
Born in Yemen on February 7th, 1979, Tawakkol is Karman is often referred to as the “Iron Woman” or the “Mother of the Revolution” in Yemen. She studied political science at the University of San’na and began her career as a journalist and politician. In 2005 she founded Woman Journalists Without Chains, which promoted freedom of expression and advocated for freedom within SMS services. That same year, she began to lead protests against the governments suppression of basic freedoms. When the Arab Spring reach Yemen in 2011, Tawakkol Karman was one of the leaders, organizing student protests across university campuses. Her activism and leadership won her a Noble Peace Laureate in 2011, becoming the second Muslim woman and the first Arab woman to do so. She shared the award with two other women, celebrating their struggle for women’s rights across the world. As a politician in the opposition party, she has used her platform to advocate for a number of reforms, one being child marriages, a practice she argues, is not religious but cultural. Today, she remains critical of both sides in the civil war, criticizing Iran’s support of the Houthi rebels and US strikes in Yemen in the grounds of undermining sovereignty of her country.