Noor Tagouri
Noor Tagouri ( @noor ) was born on November 27, 1993 in West Virginia to Libyan parents. She attended Prince George’s Community College and University of Maryland where she obtained a Bachelors of Arts in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in International Development. She began her work in the broadcasting field in June 2012 working with CBS Radio. Three years later, after the death of Freddie Grey, she was sent to the cover the protests in Baltimore, Maryland. In June of 2016, she began working at Newsy, an online video news based site in Washington DC, working as news anchor and producer for the news site. In addition to her work as a broadcaster, she has created a documentary show in partnership with Pulse Films, In America With Noor, that ‘explores a wide range of controversial subjects and they affect daily American life and culture” and a podcast called Sold in America, about the sex trade industry in the US. The podcast won her a Gracies spinoff and has over 2 million downloads. She has also released her own fashion line and modeled with Burberry, Calvin Klein, Marriott, and Revlon.