Mariam Al-Liliya
Mariam Al-Liliya was a Syrian inventor in the 10th century, born in Aleppo, Syria. She was born to an astrologist and was thought to have been an apprentice of Muhammad ibn Abd Allāh Nastūlus, a famous 10th century astronomer. During her career she invented Astrolabes, a device that was used to determine the position of the sun and the planets. After her invention, it because one of the main tools used in the fields of astronomy, astrology, and horoscopes. During her lifetime, she was hired by the ruler of Aleppo, Sayf Al Dawla, who sought out her sophisticated handcrafted designs. Although little else is known about her life, her legacy and her contributions to science remain well known across her field. An asteroid belt, discovered by Henry E Holt in 1990 was named 7060 Al-‘ljliya in her honor and she was named an extraordinary woman from the Golden Age of Muslim Civilizations by 1001 Inventions.