Lubna of Cordoba
Lubna was a 10th century Andalusian mathematician and intellectual during the caliph of Al-Hakam II. She was born a Spanish slave girl but became famous for her knowledge of grammar and the quality of poetry she created. She became the secretary of the caliph and was put in charge of plays, writing, and translating manuscripts in the library of Córdoba. As a result of her work, the library, Medina of Azahara, was created, a famous library housing more than 500,000 books. According to some records, Lubna traveled solo across the Middle East and North Africa, collecting books and manuscripts to add to the library’s growing collection. It is thought that Lubna was one of a few hundred female intellectuals in Andalusia at the time, responsible for the transcription and translation of important documents and manuscripts across the Caliph.