Iman Aldebe
Iman Aldebe @imanaldebe is a Swedish born fashion designer to Jordanian parents around 1985. She got interested in modest fashion after 9/11, when she felt it increasingly difficult to be a Muslim woman in a western country. She started to style her hijab differently and found that the negative association of hijab that others directed towards her found to disappear. From this personal experience, she began designing modest clothes, hijabs, and turbans. The turbans she designs are unisex, for both men and women and she is constantly challenging the idea that modest fashion is someone regressive or anti feminist. When asked about how she responded to these criticisms in an interview with My Salaaam she said “it’s a democratic right for us to be able to choose to wear whatever we want to wear. If someone chooses to wear the hijab and modest clothes, it’s their legal right to do so. To try to ban Muslim schools, the hijab, and the burqa is to interfere with personal lives. I also believe that you can be a Muslim and a feminist”