Hasna Maznavi
Hasna Maznavi (@mhasnam) was born around 1985 and is most famous for founding The Women’s Mosque of America (@womensmosque), the first women-led Muslim house of worship in the United States. She studied Film and TV Production at University of Southern California and received her BA in Art and Mass Communications from UC Berkeley. She founded the mosque at the age of 28 in an effort to uplift the entire Muslim community by empowering the women within. Her inspiration came from her childhood dream of building a mosque as her sadaqa jariyah (ongoing charity) and from reading the Quran in its entirety. She was also inspired by her own study of Islamic history, which helped her to develop a better understanding of the rich history of female leadership in the Muslim world. The mosque she founded is housed in an interfaith space in downtown Los Angeles and all calls to prayer, speeches on scholarship, Quran classes, and Friday sermon are led by women. Men are allowed in for lectures, not prayers, and all activities are led by a woman. After the founding of the mosque, she would go on to address criticisms that it was a rebellion and instead clarify that the founding of this mosque was a revival of Islamic tradition as taught by Muhammad (SAW).