Fakhr-un-Nisa was born in the early 11th century in Dinawar, Iran and would later go on to be one of the greatest calligraphers of her time. She was inspired in her craft by her father, who had acquired a passion for Hadith and studied under a number of masters. He ensured that his daughter was given a sound academic education and that she, like him, was fortunate enough to study under a variety of masters. She began her studies as most women would at the time, studying with the educated men and women within the household and then continuing with local teachers outside the household. Fakhr-Un-Nisa studied Hadith under the some of the most famous teachers in Baghdad at the time. In addition to her work with Hadith, she also perfected the art of calligraphy, which gave her the title she is now known by Fakhr-un-Nisa, or Pride of the Women. After her husband’s passing, she continued to learn and educate herself and was even granted a large estate by the caliph to continue her studies. She died at the age of 90 in 1112 but her legacy lives on across the region and she is to this day called “the calligrapher, the pride of womanhood, a muhaddithah of Iraq with a high Isnad (discipline)”.