Amani Al-Khatahtbeh

Amani al-Khatahtbeh was born on May 6, 1992 in New Jersey to Jordanian parents. When she was 13 years old, her family returned to Jordan to live as islamaphobic sentiments in the US increased. They eventually moved back to New Jersey & as a way to fight back against the islamaphobia in her community, she leaned deeper into her Muslim identity. After completing high school, Amani begin studying political science at Rutgers University, completing her degree in 2014 before moving to Washington DC to work for a nonprofit then onto New York working at a media organization. In 2015, just one year after completing her degree, she founded Muslim Girl, a website dedicated to & for Muslim Women. In 2017, the platform created Muslim Women’s Day on March 27, 2017 to increase representation of Muslim Women in popular culture. In addition to the creation of the Muslim Girl platform, Amani has also published a book - MuslimGirl: A Coming Of Age - & in 2020, ran for Congress to represent New Jersey’s 6th Congressional District. Her campaign made her the first Muslim Woman to run for federal office in New Jersey.